Monday, September 20, 2010


You have the ability to transport yourself to any historical event. Describe that event. You may also choose to become involved in the event and possibly even change the course of history.
Make sure that this composition has a creative idea, interesting diction (word choice), specific detail, varied sentence length, and a dynamic introduction and conclusion.
High level responses will use formal language and proper grammar and punctuation. Make sure you include plenty of detail - this should be a lengthy paragraph.
Most importantly, keep it out of my "Boring Bin." Either dazzle me with your description, entertain me with your humor and creativity, or impress me with profound, thought provoking, and mature ideas.

Top marks will be awarded for those who are able to accomplish all of the above.

If I could go back to any historical event, without any doubt I would go back to Woodstock Music Festival in it's original year, 1969. I am completely in love with classic rock music and being able to experience The Who, Santana, Janis Joplin, Neil Young, and Jimi Hendrix live, would be life changing. Woodstock was considered to be in the top 50 of The Rolling Stones most life changing rock and roll moments.

" I saved up all my money to be here. I worked in my Dad's corner shop for 3 months to be able to pay for my ticket. $20 dollars! And boy, was it worth it. I'm in a huge field with thousands upon thousands of people. And everybody here is so peaceful and enjoying life. At first when the UATWMF (up against the wall mother.... ) group cut through the fence allowing thousands others to sneak into the event I felt a bit ripped off. Seeing as I already payed for my ticket, and all these people are getting in for free. But because this is a peace related event, I let it pass over me. Why worry about something I enjoy, right? Yesterday I went to watch Joan Baez, Country Joe McDonald, and Bert Sommer. All were fantastic. The act I am most excited for though is Jimi Hendrix, which isn't until Monday... The last day. This is truly the most amazing thing I have ever experience and can't wait to take more of it in! "