Monday, October 4, 2010


Honestly, who cares whether or not the world is going to end in 2012? It's bound to happen at some point. Sure it would suck, but as long as we feel nothing what does it matter? That's just saying the world will end. Maybe the Mayans got lazy when they were making the calendar, and didn't want to put dates on that went forever and ever. It's possible that they didn't remember to put infinity on after December 21, 2012. For the people who already disbelieve in that, there's the galactic alignment, we've been in red shift since the 'Big Bang' and coming 2012 it'll hit blue shift, and what do you know? The Earth explodes and splits into a million pieces. Whoops. Then of course, this all mighty Nostradamus comes along to predict the future. Predicting Napoleon, Hitler, and 9/11. His prediction that 2012 will be the end of course has to be completely true... Not.
Other than all those facts though that can get pretty annoying, there's a
kajillion billion people that are all freaking out about how horrible it'll be if the world ends. Not to mention the amount of Facebook
groups and event being sent out inviting people to 'The End Of The World Party' where everyone meets in the black hole or whatever nonsense the person creating the group decides to make up that day.
The way I see it personally, is if it ends, it ends. As long as all these Mayan aliens don't come to take over and make us work as labour slaves and treat us with the utmost disrespect, I'm fine.

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