Thursday, January 20, 2011


Watch the 17 minute video titled "The 3 A's of Awesome" (link in the sidebar). If you like you may also browse (for a limited time at the moment) the "1000 awesome things" blog.

Your task is to then think of two small pleasures in life that are truly "awesome" and describe them in detail. This means you will have 2 good sized paragraphs (minimum) in your blog.


1. Coffee In Bed
On a cold winter morning the best feeling in the world is getting a coffee brought to you when you wake up. My Mum has a habit of making cappuccinos every morning and when she comes to wake me up she will bring me one with a heart drawn in the foam with caramel. She places it on my bedside table so it's the first thing that I see. The smell of fresh coffee is so relaxing and is such a feel good smell. Rather than focusing on how cold it is, or the fact that it's seven in the morning and i have to wake up for a full day at school, I'll smile at the sweet thought of my Mum bringing me coffee. It is such a nice start to the day to smile.It gets me going with a positive thought from my waking moment.

2. Ginormous Puddles
I grew up on a 115 acre farm. One of the fondest memories that i can recall is after a big rainstorm on the property my father would have my brother, sister, and I pile into our 4 wheel drive truck and drive as fast as possible through the puddles. As i started growing up and wanting to leave my childhood behind to become a lady, I stopped getting in the truck to go through the puddles. I started straightening my hair and putting on makeup everyday. Now, I wish I still was a child. During September, after a big rain storm, my sister and myself went up to a bumpy street near our house, and went puddle jumping. It was fantastic. Then, about a month after that, when my Dad had picked me up from school after it was raining, and we were driving to our new house, which is unfortunately not a farm, he saw a giant puddle again. He started picking up speed, and went right through it, water going everywhere. I will never let my inner child get lost again.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding your memories about giant puddles really made me think of how we can get lost in the moment and forget about those little things that once made us smile. I really enjoyed readding this blog! It was nicely put and there was a good use of vocabulary.
